How to Enable iMessage on iPhone 13

You can send blue bubble messages to other iOS users using the iPhone’s iMessage feature.

This includes users of the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and MacBook.

Messages that should be sent as iMessages may instead be transmitted as text messages, which could be owing to your device’s iMessage option being turned off.

To enable iMessage on an iPhone, navigate to Settings > Messages > and then hit the iMessage button on the right.

Enabling iMessage on an iPhone

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Go to Messages.
  3. Enable iMessage.

Our post on how to enable iMessage on iPhone 13 has additional information, including screenshots, below.

Using the Messages app on your iPhone, you can send two types of messages.

For one type of communication, known as a short messaging service (SMS) message, a green bubble will emerge.

The second type of message, known as an iMessage, will show in a blue bubble.

Text messages are regularly delivered to users of other devices, such as Android smartphones, whereas iMessages are mostly sent to users of Apple devices.

However, if you send texts to someone you know has an iPhone and the messages show green, your iPhone’s iMessage capability may be disabled.

Fortunately, you may change this setting immediately by modifying a setting in the Messages menu. You can check out this site for additional topics on Apple devices.

How to Enable the iMessage Service on an iPhone

The procedures in this post were performed on an iPhone 13 running iOS 16. These methods are compatible with the iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, as well as the vast majority of other iPhone models and iOS versions.

Step 1: Find the Settings app icon on your Home screen and tap it to open the menu.

Step 2: Scroll down and pick Messages from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: To enable iMessage, tap the button next to it.

The iPhone iMessage option is enabled when there is green shading surrounding the button, as shown in the figure below.

You can ensure that this functionality is activated anytime your iPhone sends an iMessage as a text message now that you know how to enable iMessage on iPhone 13.

If you’d rather view these steps in video form, check out this YouTube video.

More Information on iMessage

You can turn off iMessage at any moment by repeating these instructions.

On your iPhone, go to Settings, Messages, and then the button next to iMessage to disable it.

When you enable the iMessage setting in the Messages menu, a Send & Receive button may appear beneath it.

The ability to send and receive messages by email rather than phone number is a useful feature of the iMessage service.

When you open the menu, you’ll see the following sections:

Begin new conversations with Checkmarks will display to the left of the various phone numbers or email addresses to indicate whether or not that organization can be used.

Another useful option in the Messages menu is “Send as SMS.”

It’s likely that your iPhone won’t be able to send an iMessage every now and then. If you select this option, the iPhone will attempt to deliver iMessages as SMS rather than iMessages. This is useful if you want to ensure that your message is delivered to the intended recipient no matter what.