iOS 17: How to Change Hotspot Name on iPhone Easily

Changing the hotspot name on your iPhone running iOS 17 is a snap! Simply head into your settings, tap on ‘Personal Hotspot’, and you’ll see where you can update the name to whatever you fancy. It’s pretty straightforward, really.

Step by Step Tutorial: Changing Hotspot Name on iPhone

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, let’s clarify what we’re up to. We’re about to change the hotspot name – that’s the name other devices see when they’re looking to connect to your iPhone’s internet connection. Ready? Let’s go!

Step 1: Open Settings

Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

In the sea of icons on your iPhone, the ‘Settings’ app is your gateway to customization. It’s where the magic happens, folks. Tap that gear icon and you’re on your way!

Step 2: Tap Personal Hotspot

Scroll down and tap on ‘Personal Hotspot’.

Amidst the myriad of options, locate ‘Personal Hotspot’. It’s your ticket to sharing your phone’s internet goodies with other devices.

Step 3: Tap on Hotspot Name

Once in the Personal Hotspot settings, tap on the name of the hotspot.

Here’s where you lay your claim. Tap on that name and get ready to brand your hotspot with a touch of personal flair.

Step 4: Enter New Name

Delete the old name and enter the new name you desire for your hotspot.

This is your hotspot, so make it known! Clear that old name out and type in a new one that screams ‘you’. Or whispers it. Your call, really.

Step 5: Tap Done

Tap ‘Done’ on the keyboard to save the new hotspot name.

Seal the deal with a tap on ‘Done’. It’s the equivalent of a mic drop in the settings world. Boom! New hotspot name saved.

After you’ve finished these steps, your iPhone’s hotspot will be sporting its shiny new name. It’s like giving your digital companion a fresh haircut – feels good, right?

Tips for Changing Hotspot Name on iPhone

  • Keep it classy: Choose a hotspot name that’s appropriate for all settings.
  • Be unique: Go for a name that stands out in a crowd of networks.
  • Make it memorable: Pick something you’ll remember, but not too personal.
  • Avoid special characters: Stick to letters and numbers to ensure compatibility.
  • Remember the change: Other devices will need to reconnect using the new name.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my hotspot name has been changed successfully?

You will see the new name in the Personal Hotspot settings, and other devices will see the new name when searching for networks to join.

Will changing my hotspot name affect my connection?

No, it won’t affect your connection. It’s just like giving your Wi-Fi network a new label.

Can I use emojis in my hotspot name?

It’s best to avoid emojis as they may not be supported on all devices and could cause connection issues.

Do I need to restart my iPhone after changing the hotspot name?

No restart is necessary, the changes take effect immediately.

Will changing my hotspot name affect previously connected devices?

Yes, devices that were connected to the old name will need to reconnect using the new name.


  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap Personal Hotspot
  3. Tap on Hotspot Name
  4. Enter New Name
  5. Tap Done


So there you have it, the ins and outs of changing your iPhone’s hotspot name in iOS 17. It’s a little tweak that can make a big difference, especially if you’re often setting up your personal network on the go. Personalizing your hotspot name can not only make it easier for you to identify but can also add a layer of security, deterring others from attempting to connect without permission.

Remember that a good hotspot name should be easy to remember, unique, and non-offensive. And once you’ve made the change, all that’s left is to reconnect your devices and enjoy your personalized internet sharing. This simple yet effective customization is just one of the many ways iOS 17 allows you to make your iPhone feel more ‘you’.

So, go ahead and give your hotspot that personal touch. It’s your internet, after all, why not let your hotspot name reflect that? Whether you’re a tech newbie or a seasoned iPhone user, I hope this guide has been helpful. Happy hotspot naming!