Can I Use My iPad on a Plane? A Comprehensive Guide for Travelers

So, you’re about to board a plane and you’re wondering if you can use your iPad during the flight. The answer is yes, but there are certain rules and times when it’s allowed. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of using your iPad on a plane, from takeoff to landing.

How to Use Your iPad on a Plane

Before we dive into the step-by-step tutorial, it’s important to note that the use of electronic devices on a plane is regulated by the airline and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The general rule is that you can use your iPad during the flight, but not during takeoff and landing. Let’s go through the steps to ensure you use your iPad correctly.

Step 1: Check Airline Policies

Before your flight, check with your airline to see their specific policies regarding electronic devices.

Airlines may have different rules about when and how you can use your iPad, so it’s best to be informed beforehand. Some airlines might also offer in-flight Wi-Fi, which could affect how you plan to use your device.

Step 2: Turn on Airplane Mode

Once on board, switch your iPad to airplane mode before the plane takes off.

This will disable the cellular and Wi-Fi signals, which can interfere with the airplane’s communication systems. You can do this by going to your iPad’s settings and toggling the airplane mode switch.

Step 3: Listen to Crew Instructions

Pay attention to the flight attendants’ instructions regarding the use of electronic devices.

They will let you know when it’s safe to use your iPad and when you need to turn it off. Typically, you’ll have to stow it away during takeoff and landing.

Step 4: Enjoy Your iPad

Once the crew gives the okay, you can use your iPad for a variety of activities, such as watching movies, reading, or playing games.

Remember that if you’re using headphones, keep the volume at a level where you can still hear announcements from the flight crew.

After you’ve followed these steps, you’ll be able to enjoy your iPad during the flight without any issues. Just remember to switch it off again when the crew instructs you to prepare for landing.

Tips for Using Your iPad on a Plane

  • Keep your iPad charged; battery life tends to drain faster in airplane mode.
  • Download movies, books, or music beforehand as you may not have access to Wi-Fi or may need to pay for it.
  • Bring a portable charger or power bank in case your iPad runs low on battery.
  • Use a case or stand for your iPad for better viewing angles and to prevent it from sliding off the tray table.
  • Adjust the brightness of your iPad screen to prevent it from disturbing other passengers in a dark cabin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use my iPad during takeoff and landing?

You cannot use your iPad during takeoff and landing as it must be stowed away during these times.

Is Wi-Fi available on planes for my iPad?

Some airlines offer in-flight Wi-Fi, but it may come at an additional cost or have limited functionality.

How do I know if my iPad is in airplane mode?

A small airplane icon will appear in the top corner of your iPad screen when airplane mode is activated.

Can I charge my iPad on the plane?

Many planes now have USB ports or outlets where you can charge your iPad, but it’s best to check with your airline.

Will using my iPad on a plane affect my data usage?

No, as long as you keep your iPad in airplane mode, you won’t incur any data usage charges.


  1. Check Airline Policies
  2. Turn on Airplane Mode
  3. Listen to Crew Instructions
  4. Enjoy Your iPad


In conclusion, using your iPad on a plane is perfectly doable and can make your flight experience much more enjoyable. Just be sure to respect the airline’s policies and the crew’s instructions, and you’ll be set for a smooth flight. Remember to prepare your iPad with plenty of entertainment options before you board because let’s face it, inflight magazines can only get you so far. And who knows, with your favorite shows, movies, or books on your iPad, you might even start looking forward to those long flights. Safe travels and happy streaming! Can I use my iPad on a plane? Absolutely, just follow the steps above and you’ll be good to go.