How to Delete Apps on iPhone 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Deleting apps on your iPhone 11 can help you declutter your home screen, free up storage space, and improve the overall performance of your device. The process is straightforward, and you can do it in just a few taps. Ready to clean up your iPhone? Let’s dive in!

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Delete Apps on iPhone 11

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s understand what we’re about to do. Deleting an app removes it from your iPhone, along with all its data. If you’ve been hoarding apps that you no longer use, it’s time to say goodbye.

Step 1: Locate the App

Find the app you want to delete on your home screen or in your app library.

Locating the app might seem like a no-brainer, but if you have a lot of apps, this could be the most time-consuming step. Pro tip: Use the search feature by swiping down on your home screen and typing in the app’s name to find it quickly.

Step 2: Press and Hold the App Icon

Press and hold the app icon until a menu appears or all the icons start to jiggle.

Once you press and hold the app icon, you’ll either see a menu pop up with the option to "Remove App," or the icons will start shaking, which is your cue that you’re in edit mode. If you’re in edit mode, you’ll also see little ‘X’ marks on the top left corner of the app icons.

Step 3: Tap ‘Remove App’ or the ‘X’ Icon

If a menu appeared, tap "Remove App." If the icons are jiggling, tap the ‘X’ on the app you want to delete.

Tapping "Remove App" or the ‘X’ will prompt a confirmation message asking if you’re sure you want to delete the app. This is your last chance to back out if you have second thoughts.

Step 4: Confirm Deletion

Confirm that you want to delete the app by tapping "Delete" or "Remove" in the confirmation message.

After you confirm, the app will be deleted from your iPhone. The whole process is quick and irreversible, so make sure you won’t need the app in the near future before deleting it.

After completing these steps, the app will be gone from your iPhone 11, and you’ll have more space for what really matters. The app’s data will also be removed unless it’s stored in the cloud or you’ve backed it up elsewhere.

Tips for Deleting Apps on iPhone 11

  • If you change your mind about an app you’ve deleted, you can always re-download it from the App Store, as long as it’s still available.
  • Deleting an app doesn’t cancel any subscriptions you may have signed up for within the app. Remember to cancel these separately.
  • Some pre-installed Apple apps cannot be deleted. However, you can remove them from your home screen by moving them to the App Library.
  • If you’re giving away or selling your iPhone, it’s a good idea to delete any personal or sensitive apps beforehand.
  • Remember to back up any important data before deleting an app, just in case you need it later.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I delete multiple apps at once?

No, you have to delete apps one at a time on the iPhone 11. But once you’re in edit mode, you can quickly tap ‘X’ on multiple apps without having to press and hold each one.

What happens if I delete an app with a subscription?

Deleting an app does not cancel your subscription. You’ll need to go to your Apple ID settings to manage and cancel subscriptions.

Can I recover an app after I’ve deleted it?

As long as the app is still available in the App Store, you can re-download it at any time.

Why can’t I delete some apps on my iPhone 11?

Some apps are essential to the iPhone’s operating system and cannot be deleted. These are usually the default apps that come with your iPhone.

How can I delete apps that don’t have an ‘X’ when I enter edit mode?

These apps are most likely built into the iOS system and cannot be deleted. However, you can hide them by moving them to the App Library.


  1. Locate the app you want to delete.
  2. Press and hold the app icon.
  3. Tap ‘Remove App’ or the ‘X’ icon.
  4. Confirm deletion.


There you have it, folks – the lowdown on how to delete apps on your iPhone 11. Whether you’re streamlining your home screen, freeing up storage space, or just bidding farewell to apps you no longer use, the process is simple and effective. Remember to back up any important data before you start the deletion process, and don’t forget that deleting an app doesn’t cancel any associated subscriptions. So, take a deep breath, press and hold, and start decluttering your digital life today!