How to delete contacts on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you tired of scrolling through your Facebook contacts and seeing people you barely remember? It’s time for a clean-up! Deleting contacts on Facebook is a straightforward process and can help declutter your online social life. In just a few clicks, you can remove individuals from your friends list and enjoy a more organized Facebook experience.

Step by Step Tutorial: Deleting Contacts on Facebook

Before diving into the step-by-step guide, it’s important to understand that removing someone from your Facebook contacts means unfriending them. They will no longer see your posts, and you won’t see theirs. Ready to get started? Let’s go!

Step 1: Go to the contact’s profile

Navigate to the profile of the person you want to remove from your contacts.

Visiting the person’s profile ensures you’re removing the correct individual, especially if they have a common name.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Friends’ button

Find and click on the ‘Friends’ button located at the top of their profile.

The ‘Friends’ button is usually located near their profile picture and cover photo. It may also appear as a person icon with a checkmark if you’re using the mobile app.

Step 3: Select ‘Unfriend’

From the dropdown menu, select ‘Unfriend’ to remove them from your contacts.

This action won’t notify the person that you’ve unfriended them. However, they may eventually notice if they attempt to view your profile or interact with you on Facebook.

After completing these steps, the contact will be deleted from your Facebook friends list. You won’t be able to see their private posts, and they won’t see yours. If you change your mind later, you’ll have to send a new friend request, which they can choose to accept or ignore.

Tips for Deleting Contacts on Facebook

  • Review your friends list regularly to keep it up-to-date and relevant to your current social circle.
  • Consider organizing contacts into ‘Close Friends’ or ‘Acquaintances’ lists for better privacy control.
  • Use the Facebook search function to quickly find the person you want to unfriend if you have a long friends list.
  • Remember that unfriending someone doesn’t block them. If you want to prevent someone from contacting you or seeing your profile, you’ll need to block them instead.
  • If you’re unsure about unfriending someone, you can ‘unfollow’ them first. This keeps them as a friend but removes their posts from your news feed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I accidentally unfriend someone?

You can send them another friend request. If they accept, you’ll be reconnected on Facebook.

Will someone know if I unfriend them?

No, Facebook doesn’t notify users when they’ve been unfriended. However, they may realize it if they try to interact with you.

Can I unfriend multiple people at once?

No, Facebook requires you to unfriend each person individually.

How do I find my full friends list?

Click on your profile picture, then select ‘Friends’ to see your entire friends list.

What’s the difference between unfriending and blocking?

Unfriending removes someone from your contacts, while blocking prevents them from seeing your profile and contacting you.


  1. Go to the contact’s profile.
  2. Click on the ‘Friends’ button.
  3. Select ‘Unfriend’.


Deleting contacts on Facebook can be a liberating experience, giving you control over your online presence and social interactions. Whether it’s old high school buddies, distant relatives, or former colleagues, it’s essential to curate your friends list to reflect your current connections. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can effortlessly manage your Facebook contacts and maintain a tidy social media space. Remember, it’s your virtual world, and you have the power to decide who’s in it. Happy unfriending!