Word Count on Word: How to Keep Track of Your Writing

Wondering how to check the word count on Word? You’re in the right place! It’s really simple – all you need to do is look at the bottom bar of your Word document, and you’ll see the word count displayed there. And if you want more details, just click on that number. Easy, right?

Step by Step Tutorial: Checking the Word Count on Word

Before we dive into the steps, let’s clarify what you’ll achieve by the end of this tutorial – a clear understanding of how to find and use the word count feature on Microsoft Word. It’s a handy tool for anyone who needs to keep track of their word usage, whether you’re a student, writer, or just someone trying to stick to a word limit.

Step 1: Open your document in Microsoft Word

The first step is to open the document you want to check the word count for in Microsoft Word.

Once you have your document open, you can immediately see the word count on the status bar at the bottom of the window. This number updates in real-time as you type, delete, or edit the content.

Step 2: Find the word count on the status bar

Look at the bottom of your Word document. You’ll see the word count displayed on the status bar.

The status bar is the gray bar at the bottom of your Word window. It shows various information about your document, like page number, language, and of course, word count. The word count is usually located on the left side of the status bar.

Step 3: Click on the word count for more details

For more detailed statistics, click on the word count in the status bar.

When you click on the word count, a dialog box will pop up. This box, called "Word Count," gives you the total count of pages, words, characters (with and without spaces), paragraphs, and lines in your document.

After completing these steps, you’ll have all the information you need about the word count in your document. You can use this to ensure you meet any word limits or just to keep track of your writing.

Tips for Managing Word Count on Word

  • If you need to exclude textboxes, footnotes, or endnotes from the word count, simply uncheck the respective boxes in the Word Count dialog box.
  • The word count feature doesn’t count words in headers, footers, and footnotes unless you select the text.
  • Use the ‘Review’ tab to access the Word Count dialog box quickly.
  • Remember that different institutions or publishers may have specific rules on what is included in the word count, so double-check their requirements.
  • Keep an eye on the word count as you write to avoid going over any limits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is Word’s word count?

The word count feature in Word is quite accurate. It counts every word separated by a space as one word. However, it doesn’t count words in textboxes, footers, headers, and footnotes unless you select them.

Can I see the word count without opening Word?

No, you need to open the document in Word to see the word count on the status bar.

Does the word count update automatically?

Yes, the word count on the status bar updates in real-time as you type or edit the content.

Can I include text in textboxes, footnotes, and endnotes in the word count?

Yes, you can. In the Word Count dialog box, check the boxes for "Include textboxes, footnotes, and endnotes."

What’s the difference between ‘words’ and ‘characters’ in the Word Count dialog box?

‘Words’ refers to the total number of words in your document, while ‘characters’ refers to the total number of individual letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and spaces.


  1. Open your document in Microsoft Word.
  2. Find the word count on the status bar.
  3. Click on the word count for more details.


Keeping track of your word count on Word is a breeze once you know where to look. Whether you’re penning an epic novel or just trying to meet a word limit for an assignment, the word count feature is essential. It’s not just about meeting requirements; it’s also about being concise and effective in your communication. After all, in the world of writing, every word counts. Remember, the key to successfully managing your word count is to regularly check it as you write. So go ahead, give it a try, and watch your words work wonders!